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BIERSDET, ROBERT (1973). The Soctal Order: U.S.A : Mc. CorawHill
BROOM. L. ve P. SELZNICK (1963). Sociology U.S.A: Harper and Row Publishers.
BUTCHER, Ş.H. (1951). Aristotele's Theory ofPoetry and Fine Arts U.S.A: Dover Publications Inc.
CHİNOY, ELY (1964). Socidogieal Perspective U.S.A: Random House
DUNCAN, HUGH.D. (1966). "Sociology of Art Literatüre and Music: Social Contexts of Symbolic Expression" H. BECKER (Ed), A. Boskoff (Ed.) Modem Socidogieal Theory in Conttnuiiy and Change. U.SA: Holt Bector and Ahvin Bosshoff, 482-497.
FİCHTER, JOSEPH U990-1971). Sosyoloji nedir? Çev: Nilgün Çelebi Konya : Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi
FREUD. SIGMUND (1979). Sanat ve Sanatçdar Üzerine' Çev: Kamuran Sipal İstanbul: Bozok Yay. •
JOHNSON, HARRY M. (1960). Sociology: A Systematic Introd^cttan Ed: Robert Merton U SA: Harcourt,Brace andWadInc.
KAVOLİS VYTAUTAS (1979). "Social Evolutlon of the Artistte Enterprise." Ed: Robert Alan Jones Research in Sociology of KnouAedge, Sciences and Art U.S.A.: JAl Press Inc. , 155-188
KÖSEMIHAL, NURETTİN -ŞAZİ (1972). Durkheim Sosyolojisi İstanbul: Remzi KitabevL
MACrVER, RM. AND C.H. PAGE (1965). Soclety An Introductory Analysis Great Britaln: Mac MiHan and Company Limited.
NİRUN, NİHAT (1969). Sistematik Sosyoloji Yönünden Sosyal Dinamik Bünye Analizi Ankara : A.Ü. Basımevi.
PARSONS, TALCOTT (1964). The Sodal System. Illinois : The Free Press U.S.A. : Collier McmiÛibn
RTTCHIE, P.L, and R.P. RANKIN (1977). Sociology Sodal Science and Sodal Concern U.S.A.: D.C Heath and Company.
ROSE, P., M. GLAZER AND P. MIGDAL GLAZER (1977). Sociology: Inauirtng tnto Soclety, Harper and Row, New York.
ROSENBERG, BERNARD AND N. FUEGEL (1965-1976). "The Artist and His'Publics: The Ambiguiiy of Success" Ed: MÜton C. Albrecht, James Barnett. Mason Griff. The Sociology of Artand Literatüre U.S.A.: Praeger Publishers. 499-518.
SENA. CEMİL (1972). Estetik Sanat ve Güzelliğin Felsefesi İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi
SOROKIN, PITIRIM (1972-1975). Sodal and ÇıAaoral Dynamics. NewYork: The Bed missler Press. Çağdaş Sosyoloji Teorûeri Çer. M. Münir Raşlt öymen İstanbul
SPENCER, HERBERT The Prtndples of Pyshocdbogy "Aesthetic Sentiments" New York, Appleton and Company, Volume. II. 2. 627-648.
STEINBERG, LEO (1966-1976). 'The Artist and His Publics: The Ambiguity of Success" Ed: Milton C. Albrecht; James Bamett, Mason Grlff. The Sociology of Art and Literatüre U.S.A.: Praeger Publlshers, 525-529
TARDE, GABRİEL (1969). On Coırmmlcation and SocM Infhıence. T.N. Clark (Ed.) Chiago and London : The Üniversiry of Chiago Press.
THOMSON, GEORGE (1976). İnsanın Özü Çev: Celal Üster İstanbul: Pagel Yay. 44
TOFFLER ALVIN (1976-1964). The Artist and His Publiçs: The Ambiquity of Success" Ed: Milton C. Albrecht, James Barnett, Mason Griff. The Sociology of Art and LUerature U.SA: Praeger Publlshers. 483-499
WEBER MAX (1968). The Sociology of Religion Çev: Ephraim Fisehoff U.SA: Beacon Press.

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