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Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube: Case Report

Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube: Case Report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Reporting a rare case of carcinoma of fallopian tube which posed a diagnostic dilemma due to the rarity of its incidence. Primary carcinoma of fallopian tube is a very rare cancer with 0.3% incidence amongst all female genital cancers (1). Clinical diagnosis is very difficult due to higher index of suspicion of endometrial carcinoma in postmenopausal patients presenting with per vaginal bleeding. The first case was reported by Orthmann of Germany in 1886. To date less than 1200 cases of primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube have been reported in literature. Classical triad of (a) Hydropstubaeprofluens -prominent watery vaginal discharge. (b) Pelvic pain & (c) Pelvic mass, of which vaginal bleeding or discharge are seen in more than 50% cases(2). Treatment includes pan hysterectomy and adjuvant combination chemotherapy



1) Karl.C.Podratz, Edward Podezaski
Primary carcinoma of fallopian tube.
American Journal of Obst&Gynaec 1986
Vol 154 No 6 : 1310-1326
2) OrthmannEG
rGeburtshGynaek 1888 ;15-212
3) B.L. Kneale, H.D.Attwood, Primary
carcinoma of fallopian tube. American
Journal of Obst&Gynaec 1966 Vol 94
No 6 : 840-848
Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; March 2012: Issue-2, Vol.-1, P. 153-156
4) Douglas.W.Hershery, Robert Fennel.
Primary carcinoma of fallopian tube.
American Journal of Obst&Gynaec
1981 Vol 157 No 3 : 367-370
5) Gerald.E.Kinjel. Primary carcinoma
of fallopian tube. American Journal
of Obst&Gynaec 1976 Vol 125 No 6
: 816-820
6) Ben-Hur H, dgani R, Ben Arie A
Diagnostic dilemma and current
therapy of fallopian tube cancer. Eur
J Gynaecol- oncol 1999;20(2); 108-

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