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Changes of Plasma Total proteins, Albumin and Fibrinogen in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus- A Pilot study.

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Introduction: Type II diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and/or abnormal insulin secretion. It has been hypothesized that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2diabetes arise from a “common soil” and chronic inflammation may be such a candidate. Inflammatory markers, such as high white cell count, high fibrinogen, or low albumin.. In type 2 diabetic patients, post absorptive albumin synthesis and its response to insulin were normal, where as fibrinogen synthesis was increased, irrespective of metabolic control. Fibrinogen, serum Total protein of long term type-2 diabetics was significantly elevated. However there is little information about plasma total proteins, albumin, globulins and fibrinogen in type 2 diabetes. The present study was planned to assess the levels of plasma total proteins, albumin and fibrinogen in first time diagnosed type 2 diabetes cases. Materials and Methods: In our study 50 first time diagnosed type 2 diabetics who attended Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences, Research Foundation & general hospital and fifty age, sex matched controls were recruited. From the subjects, venous blood samples were collected and used for estimation of plasma glucose, Total proteins, Albumin, fibrinogen. We used graph pad prism version 3.0 software. Unpaired” t” test has been used. Between cases and control group “p” value <0.05 is considered statistically significant. Results & Conclusion: In our study of type 2 diabetics plasma albumin levels were decreased compared to controls and plasma fibrinogen, total protein levels were statistically significantly increased compared to controls.