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“Hospital based infections of Gram negative organisms: Study Report.”

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: The discovery of the antibiotics in 1928 revolutionized the practices of medicine. This fact raises a significant problem with respect to antimicrobial chemotherapy. The present study was planned to study the hospital based infections events of specially gram negative organisms. Study Design: The present prospective study was conducted in a large tertiary care hospital during 2007-2008. 300 serial isolates of gram negative bacteria from various clinical samples from indoor patients were included. They were from pus, sputum, blood, urine, CSF, other fluids and secretions like pleural fluid, tracheal secretion. Observations & Results: out of 1546 samples screened, 300(19.40%) of them were carbapenem resistant. Amongst the carbapenem resistant isolate obtained. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the maximum with 53.96%. Patients admitted to ICU with MBL producing isolates had more mortality than similar patients in the ward. Also patients harboring Acinetobacter.spp showed the highest mortality in the groups (Wards & ICUs) Conclusion: From present work we may conclude that the MBLs have already established as a major resistance factor amongst gram negative organisms in our region.



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