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Study of profile, knowledge and problems of anganwadi workers in ICDS blocks: a cross sectional study

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Introduction: The present study was planned to study the profile of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and to assess knowledge of AWWs & problems faced by them while working. Methods:- Anganwadi centres were selected by stratified sampling technique. From each block 10% AWWs were enrolled into study. The functioning of AWWs was assessed by interviewing Anganwadi workers for their literacy status, years of experience, their knowledge about the services rendered by them and problems faced by them. Result: Most of AWWs were from the age group of between 41-50 years; more than half of them were matriculate and 34(69.38%) workers had an experience of more than 10 yrs. Majority (81.63 %) of AWWs had a knowledge assessment score of above 50%. They had best knowledge about nutrition and health education (70%).87.7% of the workers complained of inadequate honorarium, 28.5% complained of lack of help from community and other problems reported were infrastructure related supply, excessive work overload and record maintenance. Conclusions: Majority of AWWs were beyond 40 years of age, matriculate, experienced, having more than 50% of knowledge related to their job. Complaints mentioned by them were chiefly honorarium related and excessive workload.



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