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40th ed. Spain: Churchill Livingstone, 2008; 818-22, 369-70.
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3. Malukar O, Rathva A. A Study of 100 Cases of Brachial Plexus. National Journal of Community Medicine
2011; 2(1):166-70.
Fig 14: Column diagram shows gender and side distribution of the study population
according to the formation of median nerve in relation to axillary artery.
Fig-15: shows Le Minor Type I variation.
Fig-16: shows Le Minor Type III variation.
Fig-17: shows Le Minor Type V variation.
Fig-18: shows Venieratos and
Anangnostopoulou Type III variation.
Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; September 2013: Issue-8, Vol.-2, P. 841-853
4. Nakatani T, Tanaka S, Mizukami S. Two rare anomalies of the brachial plexus. J Anat. 1998; 192(2): 303–
5. Anyanwu GE, Obikili EN, Esom AE, Ozoemana FN. Prevalence and pattern of communication of median
and musculocutaneous nerves within the black population: Nigeria - a case study. International Journal of
Biomedical and Health Sciences 2009; 5(2):87-94.
6. Choi D, Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, Vazquez T, Parkin I, Sanudo JR. Patterns of connection between the
musculocutaneous and median nerves in the axilla and arm. Clin Anat 2002; 15:11-7.
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Embryol 1990; 73:33– 42.
8. Venieratos D, Anagnostopoulou S. Classification of communications between the musculocutaneous and
median nerves. Clin Anat 1998; 11:327–31.
9. Chouhan R, Roy TS. Communication between the median nerve and musculocutaneous nerve-A Case
Report. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2002; 51(1):72-5.
10. Miller RA. Comparative studies upon the morphology and distribution of the brachial plexus. Am J Anat
1934; 54: 143–75.
11. Kosugi K, Morita T, Koda M, Yamashita H. Branching pattern of musculocutaneous nerve. 1. Case
possessing normal biceps brachii. Jikeikai Med J 1986; 33:63–71.
12. Larsen WJ. Development of limbs In: Human Embryology.4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2009:
13. Sannes HD, Reh TA, Harris WA. Development of the nervous system In: Axon growth and guidance. New
York: Academic Press, 2000:189-97.
14. Brown MC, Hopkins WG, Keynes RJ. Axon guidance and target recognition. In: Essentials of neural
development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991:46-66.
15. Leffert RD. Anatomy of brachial plexus In: Brachial Plexus injuries. New York: Churchill Livingstone,
1985: 384.
16. Sunderland S. Nerves and Nerve Injury In: The median nerve: Anatomical and Physiological features. 2nd
ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1978: 672-7, 691-727.
17. Standring S, Newell RLM, Collins P, Healy JC, Mahadevan V, eds. In Pectoral girdle, shoulder region &
axilla, Development of nervous system. In: Gray’s Anatomy, The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice.
40th ed. Spain: Churchill Livingstone, 2008; 818-22, 369-70.
18. Hollinshead WH. Functional anatomy of the limbs and back. In: Anatomy for Surgeon. Vol-3, 2nd ed.
Maryland: Harper & Row, 1969; 134-40.
19. Malukar O, Rathva A. A Study of 100 Cases of Brachial Plexus. National Journal of Community Medicine
2011; 2(1):166-70.
20. Nakatani T, Tanaka S, Mizukami S. Two rare anomalies of the brachial plexus. J Anat. 1998; 192(2): 303–
Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; September 2013: Issue-8, Vol.-2, P. 841-853
21. Anyanwu GE, Obikili EN, Esom AE, Ozoemana FN. Prevalence and pattern of communication of median
and musculocutaneous nerves within the black population: Nigeria - a case study. International Journal of
Biomedical and Health Sciences 2009; 5(2):87-94.
22. Choi D, Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, Vazquez T, Parkin I, Sanudo JR. Patterns of connection between the
musculocutaneous and median nerves in the axilla and arm. Clin Anat 2002; 15:11-7.
23. Le Minor JM. A rare variation of the median and musculocutaneous nerves in man. Arch Anat Histol
Embryol 1990; 73:33– 42.
24. Venieratos D, Anagnostopoulou S. Classification of communications between the musculocutaneous and
median nerves. Clin Anat 1998; 11:327–31.
25. Chouhan R, Roy TS. Communication between the median nerve and musculocutaneous nerve-A Case
Report. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2002; 51(1):72-5.
26. Miller RA. Comparative studies upon the morphology and distribution of the brachial plexus. Am J Anat
1934; 54: 143–75.
27. Kosugi K, Morita T, Koda M, Yamashita H. Branching pattern of musculocutaneous nerve. 1. Case
possessing normal biceps brachii. Jikeikai Med J 1986; 33:63–71.
28. Larsen WJ. Development of limbs In: Human Embryology.4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2009:
29. Sannes HD, Reh TA, Harris WA. Development of the nervous system In: Axon growth and guidance. New
York: Academic Press, 2000:189-97.
30. Brown MC, Hopkins WG, Keynes RJ. Axon guidance and target recognition. In: Essentials of neural
development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991:46-66.
31. Leffert RD. Anatomy of brachial plexus In: Brachial Plexus injuries. New York: Churchill Livingstone,
1985: 384.
32. Sunderland S. Nerves and Nerve Injury In: The median nerve: Anatomical and Physiological features. 2nd
ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1978: 672-7, 691-727.
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