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Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma : Rare case presentation

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Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma is a relatively rare tumour classified between fibro osseous lesions. It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults, with peak prevalence between 10 and 19 yrs. There is a definite female predilection and almost 60% of the lesions occur in the maxilla. Trauma or local irritation such as dental calculus, ill-fitting denture appliances and faulty restorations are known to precipitate the development of this lesion. Such a lesion can either interfere with normal tooth eruption or become a factor in plaque development, which usually results in caries formation in newly erupted teeth. The present report describes a case of Peripheral cemento ossifying fibroma PCOF in a 21 year old female with a mass on the lower left posterior lingual gingiva.



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