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Radiological evaluation of maxillofacial trauma: Role of MDCT with MPR and 3-D reconstruction

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Maxillofacial injuries are one of the most frequently encountered emergencies accounting for a large proportion of patients in emergency department. The complex anatomy of the facial bones requires multiplanar imaging techniques for a proper evaluation. Now-a-days, road traffic accidents and violence are the common reasons which have led to increase in the frequency of maxillofacial injuries. The most common fracture, either isolated or associated with other fractures, was the orbital floor fracture. Due to rapid progression in diagnostic imaging, accuracy of detection of injuries and patients outcome of maxillofacial traumas has dramatically improved. The main purpose of diagnostic imaging is to detect and localize the exact number, site of facial fractures and soft tissue injuries. MDCT offers excellent spatial resolution, which in turn enables exquisite multiplanar reformations, and 3-D reconstructions, allowing enhanced diagnostic accuracy and surgical planning. We have reviewed related literature through internet. The terms searched on Google scholar and Pubmed are maxillofacial injuries, trauma, fractures, multidetector computed tomography, multiplanar and 3-dimensional reconstruction.



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