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SGSY was introduced by the Central Government with co-operation of State Governments with the objective to elevate the rural poor from BPL to APL, and to generate the employment opportunities in the interior of rural areas. Self Help Groups (SHGs) are formed through a process of social mobilization, with their training and capacity building, infrastructure build up, technology, credit and marketing enabling them to take decisions on all issues concerning poverty eradication. The SGSY Scheme under the cluster approach caters most to the labourers whether the Swarozgaris belong to an SHG or is an individual. Animal Husbandry and Agriculture related occupations are dominant SGSY activities.



i. Dr. C. Rangarajan (1994); in his keynote address delivered
at Indian National Workshop for Bankers on 31 January,
1994 at Mumbai.
ii. Eighth Five Year Plan, 1992-97; Vol. II, Sectoral
Programmes of Development; Planning Commission,
Government of India, 1992.
iii. Heyzer, Noeleen (1994); “Increasing Women's Access to
Credit in Asia: Achievements and Limitations” in Gender,
Economic Growth and Poverty; Market Growth and State
Planning in Asia and the Pacific by Noeleen Heyzer and Gita
Sen, Asian Pacific Development Centre, Kualalumpur.
iv. Karmakar, K.G. (1999); “Rural Credit and Self-Help
Groups – Microfinance Needs and Concepts in India,” Sage
Publications, New Delhi.
v. Mohan, Arvind (1998); “Training Programme on Credit
and Micro-Enterprise Development for the NGOs and
Officials of Indira Mahila Yojna”, 2 to 14 November, 1998;
Bankers Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow.
vi. Rao, S.P. Ranga and Reddy, A. Dashman (1996); “Women
and Rural Development in India,” in Women's
Development-Problems and Prospects by Shamin Aleem,
APH Publishing corporation, New Delhi-110002.
vii. Report of the Agriculture Credit Review Committee
(1981), Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
viii. Shramshakti (1998); Report of the National
Commission on Self Employed women and women in the
informal sector, Government of India, Akashdeep Printers,
New Delhi-110 002.
ix.Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna, Guidelines,
Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, New
Delhi, 1999.
x.Tiwari, A.K. (1999); “An Evaluation of the Integrated
Rural Development,” Radha Publications, New Delhi 110
xi.Veerashekerappa (1994); “Does priority sector lending
help the poor?” Kurukshetra, July 1994.

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