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Philosophy of Religion and Modern Age

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Human civilisation and culture which include literature, religion and fine arts, the creation of human heart, are as significant for man's meaningful existence as natural sciences. Sciences and Philosophy cannot replace religion. Religion is primarily a human enterprise and is concerned with the inner being or life of man and its fulfilment. True religion also possesses two important limbs i.e. its philosophy and its ritualistic injunctions. Philosophy is the theoretical aspect of religion which, with scientific and rational analysis, elucidates the why and the wherefore of life and the universe and contains a coherent system of thought for interpreting the Reality. We therefore have to take the valuable advice of our sages, Rishis and scriptures and try to live religion in the true sense of the term.



i.A Ramamurty (2002) , ' Indian Philosophy of Religion',
Decent Books, New Delhi,
ii.John Cogley, (1868) 'Religion In a Secular Age', Praeger, ,
iii.Dr. S.G.Nigal and Prof. N.H.Phapale, (2012).,
'Philosophy of Religion' Sanskar Niketan, Nasik.
iv.Edward Burnett Tylor, (1861) 'Religion in primitive
Culture', Longman, Green Longman and Roberts,.
v.George Galloway, (1960) 'The Philosophy of Religion',
Charles Scibner's Sons, New York
vi.James George Frazer , (2006) 'The Golden Bough',
Nuvision Publications, LLC
vii.John Dewey,(1934) , 'A Common Faith', Yale University
viii.Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 'On Religion', (1964),
Schocken Books.
ix.M. Kirti Singh,( 2007) 'Philosophy and Religion'
Akanksha Publishing House, New Delhi
x.Prof. D.A.Gangadhar, (1980), Vishwavidyalaya
Prakashan, Chowk , Varanasi
xi.R. Niebuhr, (1941), 'The Nature and Destiny of Man,
Charles Scibner's Sons, 2 vos, New York.
xii.R. Niebuhr, (1985), 'An Interpretation of Christian
Ethics', A living age Book, New York, 1985
xiii.S.Radhakrishnan, (1960), 'Brahma Sutra-The
Philosophy of Spiritual Life, George Allen & Unwin,
xiv.S.Radhakrishnan,(1957) 'An Idealist View of life', ,
George Allen & Unwin, London.
xv.Swami Chinmayananda,( 1990),'The Art of Living'
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust,
xvi.Freud Sigmond, (1929), 'The Future of Illusion',
translated by W.D.Robertson Scott, New York
1George Galloway,, 'The Philosophy of Religion'page-25.
2 'Christianity and Our World' page-1
3Fragments of a confessions, in the 'Library of living
Philosophers' Vol on Radhakrishnan, page-20
4Ibid, Page-22
5Karl Marx and F. Engels: On Religion, Moscow, page- 41-
6The Future of Illusion, translated by W.D.Robertson Scott,
New York, 1929, page- 92
7Tylor, 'Religion in primitive Culture', page- 1
8Frazer, 'The Golden Bough'page-50
9Dewey, 'A Common Faith', page-27
10Durkheim, 'The Elementary Forms of Religious Life'
11Quoted form a Preface written by Arnold Toynbee in
Religion In a Secular Age, by John Cogley, London 1868,
12R. Neibuhr, 'The Nature and Destiny of Man, Charles
Scibner's Sons, page-131
13Ibid, 'An Interpretation of Christian Ethics, A living age
Book, page- 15
14Ibid, page- 195
15 Ibid, ' Nature and destiny of Man', Vol-2, Page-69.
16S.Radhakrishnan, 'Brahma Sutra', page-213
17Ibid, An Idealist View of life', page-307.

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