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A Role of Rural Out Shoppers in Organized Textile and Apparel Retail Show Rooms in Urban Areas

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Appearance is the most important factor in our daily life style. In current society a person appearance, dressing and clothing does matter a lot. Dressing sense is said to be the reflection of a person's personality as well as it reflects the occasion for which the individual person attends. Depending upon this people differ in tastes, cultures and behavioral of works. Basing on this concept of dressing sense and importance on clothing and occasional wears with reference to fashion there is a huge competition in market. Apparel being the second largest category in the Indian retail business is witnessing a transition towards organized retailing that means the business models are being affected by the way they do business. The retail sector in India is witnessing a huge revamping exercise as traditional markets make way for new formats like large organized multi-branded stores, discount store formats and specialty stores. With increasing competition, retailers strive to ensure that their stores are appealing to their target markets. As retailers are finding it increasingly difficult to create a differential advantage on the basis of merchandise alone, the store itself plays an important role for market differentiation. Various empirical studies have identified seven factors that influences the buying behavior of apparel buyers' such as: recreational and shopping conscious, favorable attitude towards urban shopping environment, enjoy shopping, price conscious, comparison shopping/ complainer, perfectionist, high quality conscious. Thus, the retailers marketing strategists has to concentrate on the seven factors so as to attract the migrant rural population or out shoppers.



i. Population data-Census
ii.Rajagopal (2010), Consumer Culture and Purchase
Intentions towards Fashion Apparel, Working Paper, MKT-
01-2010, EGADE Business School, Monterrey Institute of
Technology and Higher Education, Mexico
iii. Stephen S. Batory (2007), Developing a retail strategy for
an upscale target Audience: The influence of out shopping
and store Image attributes on store visits, University of
Scranton Anne Heineman Batory, Wilkes university
iv. The textile apparel and clothing industry in India-ACE
Global private limited, New Delhi, India

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