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Spiritual Correlates Of Psychological Well - Being

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Paper investigates the significance of Spiritual Intelligence in ensuring psychological well-being of individual and collective life. Influence of four components of spiritual Intelligence(SI) on Psychological Well- Being(PSW) is thoroughly analyzed to get a clear picture of aspects of spiritual intelligence that are likely to optimize psychological well-being. Sample consisted of 126 college students selected from three colleges. Correlation and ANOVA results substantiated the significant role played by SI in the PSW of the participants. Components of SI namely, Transcendental Awareness, Personal Meaning Production, and Conscious State Expansion proved to be highly significant in the psychological well-being while Critical Existential Thinking was only moderately significant. To determine the predictive power of different components of SI taken in pairs in the PSW of individuals, step by step regression analysis was carried out. Finally, it was noticed that that SI of different religious groups differ significantly.



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