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Potentiostatic Electrochemical Preparation And Characterisation Of ZnCdSe

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The electrodeposition of ZnCdSe polycrystalline semiconducting thin films from aqueous acidic bath without any additives onto mild steel substrate is described. The growth of ternary Zn/Cd selenides opens up the possibility of their applications for novel opto-electronic devices in the visible region of electromagnetic radiation. Electrodeposition technique is an important technique for effective application of such a valuable system. In this work ZnCdSe are cathodically electrosynthesized from aqueous solution containing Zinc Sulphate, Selenium dioxide and Cadmium Sulphate. Morphological and the structural studies of the electrodeposited material were determined by SEM, XRD while the film composition was determined by energy dispersive x-ray (EDAX) spectroscopy.



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