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Seasonal Variation In Diatoms Density And Their Correlation With Physicochemical Parameters Of Yashwant Lake, Toranmal (M.S.) India

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Seasonal variation of diatoms density and species richness was studied for two years from Yashwant Lake, located in the Satpura Reserve Forest at Toranmal (Maharashtra) India. The density of diatoms was minimal in post-monsoon which increased gradually and culminated in summer. Species richness of diatoms was maximal in summer and found to be minimal in winter. The Pearson correlation was calculated by keeping phytoplankton as dependent variable and other abiotic factors as independent variables. The diatoms structure depends on a variety of environmental factors that include biological parameters as well as various physico-chemical factors. The Yashwant Lake, located in subtropics, receives maximum photoperiod during summer that invigorates growth of the diatoms. In post monsoon the water cover and water level were higher which distribute the phytoplankton and leads to decrease in their density, while opposing situations occurs in summer leading to increase in density of total phytoplankton.



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