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Subperiostal Abse Safhasında Tanı Konulan Akut Osteomyelitlerin Tedavisi

Treatment of acute osteomyelitis diagnosed during subperiosteal abscess period

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Abstract (2. Language): 
acute osteomyelitis produced on rats was diagnosed in early period by Tc 99 MDP and Ga- 67 citrate combined with scintigraphic methods after direct inoculation of pathogen staphylococcus aureus into metaphysis of tibia. Then, rats were examined daily by ultrasonography. Twenty rats with subperiosteal abscess diagnosed by ultrasonography were divided into two groups and they were treated with two different methods. The first group, consisting of 10 rats was given only antibiotics other group of rats was treated by antibiotics and surgical drainage. In both groups, same antibiotics were administered and antibiotics were continued for three weeks. Rats were controlled periodically by clinical, radiological and scintigraphic methods for three months. The material obtained from the sacrificed rats at the end of this period was investigated histopathologically. As a result of this examinations, there was significant superiority in the group that treated with surgical drainage and antibiotics. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1997;4(1):53-58]
Abstract (Original Language): 
Patojen Stafilokok aureus, radarın tibia metafizine direkt inokule edilerek kombine sintigrafik tetkiklerle (Tc 99m MDP ve Ga- 67 sitrat) erken safhada osteomyelit gelişimi tesbit edildi. Daha sonra ratlar hergün nltrasonografi ile düzenli olarak takip edildi. Ultrasonografik olarak subperiosteal abse tanısı alan 20 rat iki gruba ayrıldı. Gruplara iki farklı tedavi uygulandı; birinci gruptaki 10 rata 3 hafta süreyle sadece antibiotik, (kloksasilin 45mg/kg/gün), ikinci gruba ise antibiotikle birlikte cerrahi drenaj uygulandı. Her iki grupta da aynı antibiotik 3 hafta süreyle kullanıldı. Katlara tedavi süresini de içine alan 3 ay boyunca periodik olarak; fizik muayene, direkt grafiler ve sintigrafik tetkikler uygulanarak izlendi. Bu süre sonunda ratlar sakrifiye edilerek elde edilen materyaller histopatolojik incelemeye tabi tutuldular. Bu incelemeler sonunda cerrahi drenaj ile birlikte antibiotik tedavisinin uygulandığı ikinci grupta belirgin bir üstünlük dikkati çekti. [Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1997;4(l):53-58



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