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İntrakranialtuberkulom: klinik ve MRI bulguları


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Abstract (2. Language): 
We presented 3 cases of intracranial tuberculomas with clinical features, CSF and MRI findings. Three cases with intracranial tuberculoma were diagnosed with emphasis on MRI and the clinical findings.. One patient died during antituberculous treatment In two patients, antituberculous medications were effective with marked clinical improvement.
Abstract (Original Language): 
İntrakranial tüberkulom tanısı alan 3 vaka klinik özellikleri, BOS bulguları ve MRI bulguları ile sunuldu. Vakalar klinik ve MRI bulguları ağırlıklı olarak değerlendirildi. Bir vaka antituberküloz tedavi sırasında kaybedildi. İki vakada, antitüberküloz tedavisi etkili oldu ve klinik düzelme izlendi.



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