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Diffuse orthohyperkeratotic keratodermia (Unna-Thost syndrome) a case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Palmoplantar keratodermia is a disease, which is characterized by hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles. It may be hereditary or acquired. Unna-Thost syndrome is the hereditery type palmoplantar keratodermia, inherited as autosomal dominant trait. It usually occurs in early infancy but may appear later in life. In this case report, a patient with Unna-Thost type palmoplantar keratodermia is presented due to its rarity.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Palmoplanter keratodermiel ve ayaklarda hiperkeratozla karakterize bir hastalıktır. Herediter veya edinsel olarak gelişebilir. Unna-Thost sendromu palmoplanter keratodermilerin herediter bir tipi olup otozomal dominant olarak kalıtılır. Genellikle erken çocukluk döneminde görülür ancak yaşamın ileri dönemlerinde de başlayabilir. Burada nadir görülmesi nedeniyle Unna-Thost tipi palmoplanter keratodermisi olan bir olgu sunulacaktır.



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