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Kalici Kateterlere Bagli Olmayan Polipoid Sistit: Sekiz Olgunun Sunumu

Polypoid Cystitis Unrelated To Indwelling Catheters: A Report Of Eight Patients

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: To evaluate the patients with polypoid cystitis, who did not have a catheterisation history and to review the related literature. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of the records of Turgut Özal Medical Center revealed 8 patients with aforementioned qualification. Results: Two female and 6 male patients were evaluated. Mean age was 48 years (28 to 70). The urinary cytology findings available in 4 were normal. No bacterial growth was established in none of the patients. All cases were diagnosed incidentally by radiologic and cystoscopic examinations in the evaluation of different conditions, such as hematuria, ovarian abscess, bladder carcinoma, erectile dysfunction, neurogenic bladder, benign prostate hyperplasia and unexplained dysuria. Patients were followed for 6 months to 2 years after first diagnosis. No recurrence has been established during followup. Conclusions: Polypoid cystitis is a benign lesion and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Kateterizasyon öyküsü olmayan polipoid sistitli hastalari degerlendirmek ve ilgili literatür isiginda tartismak amaçlandi. Materyal ve Metot: Turgut Özal Tip Merkezi'nin kayitlarinin retrospektif analizi ile kosulari uygun 8 hasta belirlendi. Bulgular: iki kadin ve 6 erkek hasta degerlendirildi. Ortalama yas 48 idi (28-70). Dördünde mevcut olan üriner sitoloji bulgulari normaldi. Hiçbir hastada bakteriyel üreme tespit edilmedi. Bütün olgular hematüri, over apsesi, mesane karsinomu, erektil disfonksiyon, nörojenik mesane, benin prostat hiperplazisi ve açiklanamayan dizüri gibi farkli durumlarin degerlendirilmesinde radyolojik ve sistoskopik incelemelerle tesadüfen teshis edildi. Hastalar ilk tanidan sonra 6 aydan 2 yila kadar izlendi. izlem süresince hiç rekürrens tespit edilmedi. Sonuçlar: Polipoid sistit benin bir lezyondur ve mesanenin transizyonel hücre karsinomunun ayirici tanisinda düsünülmelidir.



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