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Konjenital Ptozisde Aponevroz Katlamasi ve Aponevroz Rezeksiyonu

Tucking Of Aponeurosis And Resection Of Aponeurosis In Patients With Congenital Ptosis

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: A total of 29 eyelids of 28 patients with congenital ptosis were enrolled in the study and the results of tucking and resection of aponeurosis from two surgical technique were compared. Method: We performed tucking of aponeurosis to 13 eyelids and resection of aponeurosis on 16 eyelids. in both surgical techniques, surgical intervention was only applied to aponeurosis of levator muscle and no intervention was applied to levator muscle, tarsus, Müller muscle, conjunctiva and levator horns. Results: Only one lid (6.25%) undergoing resection of aponeurosis showed hypocorrection less than 1mm, in the remaining 15 lids (93.75%) complete correction was identified. Of 13 eye lids of 13 patients undergoing tucking of aponeurosis, three showed hypocorrection (23.07%) and one showed hypercorreection (7.69 %) that was less than 1 mm. in the rest of 9 lids (69.23%) complete correction was identified. Conclusion: Both surgical techniques were performed easily and were found to be reliable, successful and anatomically acceptible
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Konjenital ptozisli 28 olgunun 29 göz kapagi çalisma kapsamina alinarak, cerrahi metod açisindan apenevroz katlamasi ve rezeksiyonu sonuçlari karsilastirildi. Yöntem: Olgulardan 13'üne aponevroz katlamasi,16'sina aponevroz rezeksiyonu uygulandi. Her iki yöntemde sadece levator aponevrozuna müdahalede bulunulurken levator kasinin kendisine, tarslara, Müller kasina, konjonktiva ve levator boynuzlarina dokunulmadi. Bulgu: Aponevroz rezeksiyonu uygulanan 15 hastanin 16 göz kapaginin 15'inde (%93.75) tam düzelme,1'inde (%6.25) 1 mm'den küçük hipokerreksiyon elde edildi. Katlama yöntemi uygulanan 13 hastanin 9'unda (%69.23) tam düzelme, 3'ünde (%23.07) 1 mm nin altinda hipokorreksiyon, 1'inde (%7.69) 1 mm nin altinda hiperkorreksiyon elde edildi. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak ptozis cerrahisinde her iki yöntemin güvenilir, basarili, anatomiye saygili ve rahatlikla uygulanilabilir birer yöntem oldugu sonucuna varildi.



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