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Web communication of CSR and financial performance: A study of catalan meat companies

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Purpose: The objective was to examine the relationship between CSR communication on corporate websites and the financial performance of Catalan meat companies. Design/methodology: A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the CSR communication variables of corporate websites was carried out to identify the companies with the best CSR web communication practices, and an economic and financial comparative analysis was undertaken. The financial returns were modelled to determine whether CSR communication, as an independent variable, affects the net profit generated in relation to the investment of stakeholders. A set of 130 Catalan meat companies was analysed. Findings: The report provides a diagnosis of the CSR web communication and the financial health of the companies in the study period. The study contributes to the discussion of the relationship between CSR and financial performance. Research limitations/implications: Longer periods of economic and financial analysis would be beneficial, as would a more in-depth study of the online communication strategy to incorporate the views of those responsible for the strategy and stakeholders.Practical implications: The analysis provides a better understanding of current corporate web communication, and the economic and financial situation of the companies analysed. It could help in the definition of a strategy to improve relationships with stakeholders, and it allows us to assess the forecast for the meat sector in Catalonia in the study period. Social implications: The results of the study allow the industry to see the future prospects of the meat sector and make the necessary changes. The results lead to improved transparency and responsible behaviour. Originality/value: The analysis allows stakeholders in the meat industry to evaluate a company’s social behaviour, to assess its financial health, and to take appropriate future actions.

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