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Sources, availability and uses of knowledge in enterprises in Bogotá, Colombia

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Purpose: The present article analyses the main sources, availability and uses of knowledge relating to enterprise performance according to the type of economic activity in Bogotá, Colombia. Design/methodology: This descriptive study used a survey of 919 executives and nonexecutives of 59 enterprises from different economic sectors. Information was gathered via a questionnaire consisting of closed multiple-choice questions. Findings: Results indicate that in the enterprises surveyed knowledge management activities do not have any emphasis either on the use of technologies or on activities relating to individuals’ behaviour as sources of competitive advantage, as occurs in North American enterprises (emphasising the intensive and effective use of technologies in their different activities) and in Japanese enterprises (emphasising the development of individuals’ potential as their competitive advantage). Research limitations/implications: This is a descriptive study and it is not pertinent to make generalisations drawing on the previously described results about the entire group of enterprises in Bogotá, which spurs the development of new studies allowing an in-depth identification of the true role of knowledge management activities in enterprise performance. Practical implications: Contributes to the empirical knowledge of business reality and also to the need for designing strategies that allow for a better use of knowledge management to improve enterprise competitive capacities. Social implications: Highlights the importance of the essential differentiating characteristics that provide sustainable competitive advantages to nations, organisations and individuals over prolonged periods of time. Understands knowledge as the strategic resource of contemporary society. Developing countries require best practices in the identification, transfer, spread and use of knowledge management. Originality/value: Compares the theory of knowledge management with the empirical evidence found in enterprises from different economic sectors with respect to knowledge management activities as a competitive strategy.

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