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E-Tailing in Kosovo: The Effect of Trust, Satisfaction, and Service Quality in Achieving Consumer E-Loyalty

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The global e-tailing industry growth in numbers of online consumers has been impressive in recent years. Because of the low entry barriers, this trend is equally evident in the number of providers. Online consumer behaviour has attracted the attention of researchers to investigate this phenomenon, and researchers have identified e-loyalty as the most important source of business stability and profitability. Among various perspectives, the elements of trust, satisfaction, and service quality have been proposed as originators of e-loyalty. However, previous efforts fail to consider the combined effect of these factors and largely ignore the occurrence of this phenomenon in developing countries. This research deducts the extant theories to develop and empirically test the hypotheses by employing a closed-ended online questionnaire. The findings show a significant positive correlation between the proposed relationships from the perspective of Kosovan online consumers towards Kosovan e-tailers. The conclusions are drawn, and future research directions are identified.



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