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Türkiye’de Ana Arı Üretiminin Değerlendirilmesi

Evaluation of Queen Bee Production in Turkey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The main objective of this study is to determine the current situation of the queen bee production in Turkey. In accordance with this objective, we will suggest solutions by dealing with queen bee production capacity by country and the situation of queen bee producers. The main data contain numerous related studies conducted in Turkey and other countries. This study reviews this field studies and synthesis them to reach general deductions. The performance of the queen bee affects the performance of the colony. The quality of the queen bee is extremely important in honey yield of the colony. Honey yield of Turkey per colony is only 14 kg in 2014; the queen bee factor is among the major causes of low yield. The annual capacity of 104 queen bee producers authorized by ministry is about 351 thousands of queen bees. These producers are active in 28 provinces of the country. Consequently, the annual queen bee production capacity does not meet the requirements of seven million colonies in the country. There are no studies available on the ability of existing queen bee production facilities to increase their capacity and capital requirements. In addition, no feasibility study was carried out to establish new queen bee production facility. Moreover, there are no studies including the technical and economic activities of queen bee producers in Turkey at enterprise level. Data-based answers should be analyzed to meet this need by calculating the existing bee producers’ capacity expansion trends and additional investment costs needed by the existing beekeeping enterprises in queen bee production.
Abstract (Original Language): 
The main objective of this study is to determine the current situation of the queen bee production in Turkey. In accordance with this objective, we will suggest solutions by dealing with queen bee production capacity by country and the situation of queen bee producers. The main data contain numerous related studies conducted in Turkey and other countries. This study reviews this field studies and synthesis them to reach general deductions. The performance of the queen bee affects the performance of the colony. The quality of the queen bee is extremely important in honey yield of the colony. Honey yield of Turkey per colony is only 14 kg in 2014; the queen bee factor is among the major causes of low yield. The annual capacity of 104 queen bee producers authorized by ministry is about 351 thousands of queen bees. These producers are active in 28 provinces of the country. Consequently, the annual queen bee production capacity does not meet the requirements of seven million colonies in the country. There are no studies available on the ability of existing queen bee production facilities to increase their capacity and capital requirements. In addition, no feasibility study was carried out to establish new queen bee production facility. Moreover, there are no studies including the technical and economic activities of queen bee producers in Turkey at enterprise level. Data-based answers should be analyzed to meet this need by calculating the existing bee producers’ capacity expansion trends and additional investment costs needed by the existing beekeeping enterprises in queen bee production.



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