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Coastal Saurashtra in Gujarat, India is characterized by highly erratic rainfall, aridity, and seawater intrusion resulting from excessive withdrawal of groundwater from coastal aquifers for irrigation. Under such conditions, water resources needs to be judiciously managed to ensure crop production and domestic water-security. Ambuja Cement Foundation (ACF), a philanthropic organization, is engaged in basin-level water harvesting interventions in this region. This research study highlights the hydrological and socio-economic impacts of these interventions in the three river basins of coastal Saurashtra. The interventions considered for the study include check dams; and reservoirs in mined out areas. In order to estimate the impacts of these interventions, simple hydrological models and statistical tools were used. Analysis shows that there was a significant impact on groundwater regime, as indicated by higher pre-post monsoon average rise in water levels in the wells) near the check dams (9.63 m) as compared to those wells located away from the check dam (7.64 m). Further, the well yields have improved significantly, 3 to 7.35 litre per second higher for wells located in the influence area. It was estimated that as a result of these water impounding systems, water spread area in the basins increased by 3,024 hectares during monsoon of 2010. Further, a larger proportion of the cropped area was allocated to water intensive sugarcane after the interventions. As a result, there was a substantial increase (by Rs. 22,248) in farm income per ha of land. Apart from contributing to agricultural economy, harvested water was also being used by women and children for domestic and recreational purposes. The major environmental benefit of these water harvesting structures is the creation of many small lakes in streams of different orders. Thus, there has been significant positive impact of these water harvesting structures, both on the local hydrology and rural livelihoods. The rates given in this paper are as per the research done during the year 2011.



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IJART- Vol-1, Issue-2, December, 2016 Available online at
Niranjan and Srinivasu, 2016
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