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Diversity and Current Status of Ecological Markers in Narmada Valley of Jabalpur Region (M.P.)

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DOI: (1):1-15​
Abstract (2. Language): 
Biodiversity encompasses the variety of all life on earth. Jabalpur is major city of Madhya Pradesh, India which is rich in biodiversity. The present study was carried out from January 2014 to December 2016. The whole Narmada valley of Jabalpur region including river, forest, grassland and urban area were selected as study site for the collection of sample. In the study total 155 Bio indicator species of various classes were recorded viz., Fungi 12 species (1 Groups), Zooplankton 42 species (4 groups), Odonata 37 species (7 Families), Butterflies 25 Species (5 Families), Spiders 26 Species (10 Families) and Mollusca 13 Species (2 Class). This study aimed to promote habitat recovery and biodiversity restoration in studied region and development of management strategies so as to ensure sustenance of all the recorded species and ecosystem services derived from them. The content of this paper will be useful step for future studies.



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