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Effect of Tridex Procumbens Aqueous Plant Extract on Seed Germination of Certain Pulses

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DOI: (1):16-27
Abstract (2. Language): 
In the present study allelopathic effect of Tridex procumbens aqueous extract on the seed germination of three pulses (Cicer arietinum, Cajanus cajan and Pisum sativum) was studied. The results shows directly proportion to the concentration of plant extract. If plant extracts concentration increases the percentage of germination decreases. The maximum germination percentages were found in control followed by 5% to 100% aqueous extract. The maximum in germination was found in C. cajan 100% (other pulses both are same germination 90%) and minimum C. arietinum, P. sativum both are same 20% & C. cajan 50% germination. The root length and shoot length also showed the inhibitory effect. Maximum inhibitory effect was observed in (830.34 % shoot & 957.47% root over control) of C. cajan and minimum inhibitory effect was observed in (260% shoot & 266% root over control) of C. arietinum.



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