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Landslide Hazard Zonation Map of Joshimath- Badrinath Region, India: Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique

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Abstract (2. Language): 
During 15–17 of June 2013 triggered numerous landslides and caused widespread damage and loss of life in the study area. It affects most of the population and loss the life and wealth every year. Landslide Hazard is a common phenomenon in uttarakhand, India. It is an induced process either by torrential rain during monsoon or by seismic activity in the region. Remote Sensing and GIS technique is used to integrate geological and terrain factors and to prepare different thematic maps. IRS LISS-III MSS satellite imagery is used for classification processes and analysis. After overlaying all the thematic maps, landslide prone area and risk zone is demarcated. Joshimath- Badrinath region was chosen for the study. High risk of landslide in that area was 54% and While 25% area was at moderate risk and rest of the area was at low risk. The study is important for risk zone analysis prior to landslide to minimize the effect of hazard. So, this research is crucial for future purpose.