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The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between attitude of students at the level of primary education and their motivation for process of learning Science. Research was carried out with 632 elemantry and secondary school students, who are educated in a private school bound to National Education Ministry, in Spring term of 2015-2016 education period. Study is cross-sectional research from quantitative methods. As a data collection tool, ''Interactive Board Attitude Scale'' and ''Permanent Science Learning Motivation Scale'' were applied to students. While data obtained from applied scales were being analyzed, descriptive statistics, independent groups t-test, one way variance and correlation analyzes were utilized. As a result of the research, it is determined that students' attitude towards usage of interactive board is high; there is not any difference in students' motivation for process of learning Science in terms of their gender; students' motivation for permanent learning Science has changed statistically and significantly in the favour of 8th grade students; there is a positive low relationship between students' attitude towards usage of interactive board and their motivation level for permanent learning Science.



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