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The purpose of the study is to determine the adequacy of the recreation possibilities of Erciyes University Health Research and Implementation Center for patients, patient relatives, and hospital attendants and in terms of design.The population is included 893 patients (69.4%) who accept to join the research out of 1286 hospitalized patients at Erciyes University Health Research and Implementation Center during January-March 2016. A questionnaire form to attain the information about descriptive features of the patients and patient relatives and a scale questioning the adequacy of the recreation fields of the hospital was used as the data collection tool. In statistical analysis, student t test was used to compare two groups in independent groups, and analysis of variance was used to compare more than two groups. It is determined that patients and patient relatives spend their free time in the hospital by reading books at least and on the internet at most. Patient relatives think that waiting areas and cafeteria areas are adequate and they are sufficient to meet the needs of the hospital attendants. They state that guidance staff and secretary and cleaning services staff are sufficient, hospital environment is quiet and have enough lighting and that they find green areas and forestation sufficient. Men’s scores of agreement with the opinions related to the recreative areas for patients and recreative areas for hospital attendants and patient relatives are found significantly high (p<0.05). The group aged 20 and below has the highest scores of agreement with the opinions related to the recreative areas. The scores of illiterate patients are found significantly higher than those having post graduate degree. Primary school graduate hospital attendants and patient relatives’ scores of agreement with the opinions related to recreative areas are found significantly higher than those high school graduates and having associate’s degree. It is determined that patients, hospital attendants and patient relatives find recreative possibilities at medium-level in terms of design.



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