Association of BMI and Hand grip strength in school children in rural area of Maharashtra in India
Journal Name:
- International Journal of Healthcare & Biomedical Research
Abstract (2. Language):
Introduction: School is plays crucial role in physical fitness and health promotion in children. In developing countries like India, under
nutrition is common in school children. This condition is more prominent in rural area of India, due to lack of education, health facilities
and poverty. The present study was planned to find out correlation of BMI and Hand Grip Strength in school children around rural area
of Loni (Bk); and to determine the gender differences in the same.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study carried out on 388 school children of age group between 5 to 15 years were examined, out of
which 178 were male and 200 were female. Seven groups according to age were created viz. <6, <7, <8, <9, <10, <11, <14, <15 years.
Height, weight and hand grip strength were measured with S.I. measuring tape, Bathroom scale and Baseline hand held dynamometer
respectively. The correlation between age, height, weight, BMI and hand grip strength was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation test. The
differences between variables amongst both gender was analyzed by student t test.
Conclusion: The results of present study shown significant difference in BMI and Hand Grip Strength of Boys and Girls. Though this is
an interim study showing correlation between BMI & handgrip strength showing under nutrition among school going children, will be
helpful for other researchers in future.
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