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Offer a New Model to Prevent Formation of Hydrate in Gas Pipeline in Gas Refinery

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Water molecules by making hydrogen joint with its molecules creates holes in which quest molecules will be trapped and by creating van deer Waals joint with water molecules, hydrates crystals will be produced. Natural gas and crude oil in natural exist in underground reservoirs are in contact with water. Hydration needs condition which consists of having water in pipe line, high pressure (pressure always is high because of reinforcing gas pressure in gas transportation pipe lines), low temperature (temperature is always low in cold seasons of year), and presence of hydrate-making substances like methane, carbon dioxide, and... There are four methods to prevent hydration. This article will focus on analyzing synthetic inhibitors, and their function the task orders are as followed: 1. Synthetic investigation of hydrate formation with and without presence of inhibitor. 2. Using Kashchiev- Firozabad model and experimental data of gas transporting pipe lines for drawing synthetic graphs of gas hydrates formation with presence of synthetic inhibitors.



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