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Information Technology: Roles, Responsibilities in Disaster Management

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Now, in the era of scientific technology, it is much easier to handle disaster is natural as well as man-made. We can handle a variety of functions that can be used in information technology. It helps to prevent, restore. The development of information technology in the Internet, geographic information systems, remote sensing, satellite communications, so on, helps to assist in the planning, implementation process of risk reduction. Geographic information systems have sufficient capacity and capability to improve the quality and the power of the analysis, the natural hazard assessment, to guide the development of activities as well as assist in the planning of the mitigation measures and implementation of the emergency preparedness for response. Remote sense, however, as a powerful tool that can help you to identify areas of risk, monitoring plan, so that the change in a real-time. Information Technology is playing a big as well as vital role in disaster management. It provides all the required to anticipate, analyze to find the correct solution Just In Time. GIS, remote sensing, other IT tools are available, are being used by different competent authorities for this purpose. Disaster Management is now days a buzz word. Every country, their government, other organizations are working hard to make use of Information Technology in all possible ways to tackle the problems of disaster.



[1] Mandal, G. S., “Forecasting and Warning Systems for Cyclones in India,” Shelter, October, 1999, pp. 24-26.
[2] Sinha, Anil, “Relief Administration and Capacity Building for Coping Mechanism towards Disaster Reduction,” Shelter,
October, 1999, pp. 9-12.
[3] Sinha, Anil & Sharma, Vinod K., “Culture of Prevention, Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture,” Natural Disaster
Management Division, New Delhi, 1999.

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