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Calculation of Corrosion in Oil and Gas Refinery with EOR Method

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Abstract (2. Language): 
EOR method evaluation is performing for petroleum gravity, stone type, and tank humectant and tank localities conditions for liquid injection. If the frame is humectant, petroleum exit will perform whenever the pressure is more than threshold; this is controllable by the height of tank block. Experiments and experimental data for recovery capillary absorption are according to data in 1950. Brownscoble & Dyse (1952) studied the ability of water absorption in the sandstone lands. The studies have been done on the tube lines, land and the metal workforces that are related to the oil and gas industries, shows that in most cases, weld lines and edge of a sharp regions has been influencing on location of corrosion and eroding of effective thickness of coating film. In this study we studied EOR methods for dense oil recovery from mold in the breakage tanks. Analyze and comparison of recovery with capillarity of salty water, polymeric solution and hot water on different sample of rocks showed high recovery of dense row oil in the EOR methods, and it is more detected in the diluted row oil. Oil (diluted) can recover by water injection in the sand stone condition and with chemical matter and thermal methods. Hot water recovery is more rapid and higher than chemical recovery.



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Amir Samimi, Ali Bagheri, Sepanta Dokhani, Sepehr Azizkhani, and Ehsan Godini
ISSN : 2028-9324 Vol. 3 No. 4, Aug. 2013 1093
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