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Business Process Reengineering in e-Governance: Maintenance of People Records with Implementation of Relational Database Management System

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Good governance has become a subject of interest in every day discussions among political social, economical and business circles. All governments are willing and trying hard to formulate new strategies for effective public service delivery. e-Governance is one of the strategies for good governance, which helps effective service delivery. But mere computerization or inclusion of ICT will not be helpful to serve the cause. Rather we need an overhauling of the entire system. The solution resides in the idea of BPRE: Business Process Reengineering. Indian government has started its journey by implementing the idea of UID which will further lead to the concept of one centralized database. The author visualizes the maintenance of centralized database which will come into existence after the complete execution of the idea of UID. The current paper aims at the maintenance of centralized database by fusing together e-governance with BPRE, with special reference to UID and applying the fundamental concepts of Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). In the current paper the author suggests the implementation of RDBMS by which this centralized database could be maintained keeping in mind different events which adds and modifies the details of this database. Finally author plans to discuss the benefits of the proposed system over the existing system.



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Business Process Reengineering in e-Governance: Maintenance of People Records with Implementation of Relational
Database Management System
ISSN : 2028-9324 Vol. 4 No. 1, Sep. 2013 232
[4] Wikipedia, “Business process reengineering,” 2013.
[Online] Available: (2013)
[5] Unique Identification of Authority of India, “What is Aadhaar?,” 2013.
[Online] Available: (2013)
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