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Ali, Salman Syed, 2007. New Sukuk Products, A Case for Microfinance
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and Medium Sized Enterprises (MMEs)”, Empire Hotel and Country
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Duvall, Ann, 2004. The Impact of Interest Rate Ceilings on Microfinance .
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Distributive Justice Of Islamic Financial Institutions Based On New
Institutional Economics In Indonesia. A paper was presented at 1st
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Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and
Development, Gadjah Mada University. Yogyakarta. May 12-14.
Musari, Khairunnisa, 2015a. Sukuk for Microfinance through Linkage
Program: Case Study in Indonesia. A paper presented at The 10th
International Conference on Islamic Economics And Finance (ICIEF)
held by Islamic Research and Training Institute- Islamic Development
Bank (IRTI-IDB) and Qatar Foundation. Doha, Qatar. 23-23 March.
Musari, Khairunnisa, 2016a. A Local Wisdom Of Islam Nusantara: Sukuk
For Microfinance. A paper was presented at Weekly Discussion of
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Ushuluddin, Adab & Humaniora, State Institute of Islamic Studies
(IAIN) Jember. 19 April.
Musari, Khairunnisa, 2016b. Nanofinance, Redefine The Microfinance For
The Very Micro Society (A Discussion Paper). A poster is presented at
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(IRSA) was hosted by Department of Economics, Faculty of
Economics and Business, Brawijaya University, Malang. 25-26 July.
Musari, Khairunnisa, 2016c. Redefining The Islamic Nanofinance and Its
Institutional Strengthening: Lesson Learned from Asian Countries. A
paper written for 11th International Conference on Islamic Economics
and Finance (ICIEF) with Organizer and Host Institution Kulliyyah of
Economics and Management Sciences International Islamic University
Malaysia (IIUM) and Co-Organizers Islamic Research and Training
Institute (IRTI), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) & International
Association of Islamic Economics (IAIE), Kuala Lumpur. 11-13
October 2016
Musari, Khairunnisa & Rusli Simanjuntak, 2016. Nanofinance, Redefinition
Of Microfinance For The Very Micro Society Through Philanthropy
Linkage Program (Case Study In Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand,
India) . Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science &
Humanities (AARJSH), Volume 3, Issue 4. April. Pp. 455-463.
Musari, Khairunnisa & Rusli Simanjuntak, 2015. Reconstruction The Bank
For Poor Family Through Islamic Linkage Program: (Case Study In
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Inclusive Islamic Financial Sector Development 2015 held by Islamic
Research and Training Institute- Islamic Development Bank (IRTIIDB)
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Wisdom of Indonesian Sukuk: Financing The Cocoa Farmers Through
Sukuk Linkage Program (Case Study Gapoktan Guyub Santoso Blitar).
A paper was presented at The International Conference on Islamic
Economic Studies (ICIES) ‘Strengthening the Islamic Economic
Institution toward the Global Economy Market’, Faculty of Islamic
Economics Business (FEBI), IAIN Surakarta, at Lor Inn Hotel, Solo.
22 October.
Articles at Newspaper/Magazines
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Institute (ODI). Pp. 1-4.
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Instrumen Fiskal dan Moneter. In Bisnis Indonesia Daily. Opini. Pp.
4. 1 April.
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Ismal, Rifki & Khairunnisa Musari, 2009b. Sukuk, Menuju Instrumen Fiskal
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Jember Daily Newspaper . 26 Agustus. Perspektif.Pp. 1, 11.
Musari, Khairunnisa, 2013. Belajar Sukuk dari Blitar. In Sharing Magazine,
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Musari, Khairunnisa, 2012. Apakabar Penggiat Kakao Jember?. In Jawa Pos
Radar Jember Daily Newspaper. 12 November. Pp. 34.
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ort_ Jan2008.pdf
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