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The present study was to know the different etiological aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in chronic suppurative otitis media and also its antibiogram. Methods: The total 128 specimens collected by aseptical conditions and examine microscopically and cultured for bacteria, antibiotic sensitivity testing was done by Kirby Bauer disk diffusion method. Result: The bacteriological study’s on the 128 cases 124 samples yielded growth and 4 were sterile. On culture positives 84 were pure isolates and 40 were mixed isolates. In single organism isolates 78 were aerobic and 6 were anaerobic organism in mixed infection 40 cases aerobic organisms. Conclusion: The study revealed aerobes as prominent causative agents of CSOM (61%) followed by mixed isolation (31%) and anaerobes (5%) highest incidence is observed age group of 0-20 years. The prevalence is more in males.



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