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The aim of this study was to verify that the occurrence of intestinal parasitic infections in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) /acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients in comparison with non-HIV individuals in Mamata General Hospital, Khammam, and Andhra Pradesh. Method: A total of 125 cases in which Group A comprised of 55 male and 20 female HIV/AIDS positive individual patients of age between 15 to 59 and Group B comprised of the 34 male and 16 female HIV sero negative individuals of the same age group , stool were collected for parasitological examination from Jan 2009 to June 2009. Results: various enteric parasites detected in sero positive patients include Cryptosporidium (06), Isospora (01), Entamoeba histolytic (02), Giardia intestinalis (03) and Ascaris lumbricoides (01) and in sero negative individuals include Entamoeba histolytic (03), Giardia intestinalis (02) and Ascaris lumbricoides (01). Conclusion: The present results emphasize that detection of intestinal parasites were 17.3% in sero positive patients and 12% in sero negative individuals, in sero positive cases with diarrhea detection of intestinal parasites were 50% where as in sero negative cases without diarrhea it was only 7.01%. Coccidian parasites (cryptosporidium and Isospora) were detected only in sero positive cases with diarrhea and not detected in sero positive cases without diarrhea or HIV negative individuals.



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