Journal Name:
- International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Author Name |
Abstract (2. Language):
Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumours’ (PNET) are highly aggressive embryonal tumours of presumed neural
crest origin. They are derived from neoplastic transformation of common progenitor cells in the sub ependymal
matrix layer. They are more common in children. They are small round cell tumours affecting the central nervous
system (CNS), others being Ewing’s sarcoma, medullobalstoma, lymphomas etc. They are classified based on their
immune histochemical characteristics- neuronal, astrocytic, ependymal, retinal photo receptor, undifferentiated.
Undifferentiated variety carries better prognosis. GFAP expression is an important prognostic factor. Presence of p53
germ line mutation indicates an increased risk for developing PNET. Spinal PNET are secondary to CSF metastasis
from cranium commonly. Primary spinal PNET tumours are rare and extradural location is extremely rare. PNET
needs multimodality approach but carries poor prognosis when compared to other CNS tumours.
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