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The paper discusses and reports the reading assessment practices of secondary school teachers to ascertain EFL/ESL learners’ English reading performance at the secondary school level in Pakistan. This exploratory study was designed primarily to examine what specific reading assessment technique is preferred and brought into practice by secondary school teachers in an assessment of grade 10 students’ reading comprehension. Keeping in view the aforesaid issue, the study was conducted in one urban district of Pakistan’s densely populated city Karachi. To do so, samples were gathered from three different groups of teachers as private boys, girls, and coeducational schools. In this exploratory study, (N =120) teachers who were affiliated by different private nonelitist schools had participated. The survey instrument was developed based on the suggested methods and assessment techniques for reading comprehension by Alderson (2000). The results yielded from data were analyzed and reported through mean, rank order and percentage study. The primary findings revealed and indicated that ‘multiple-choice’ is considered at the top and most generally practiced followed by ‘shortanswer’, ‘close-ended’, and ‘subjective method’ of reading assessment techniques among secondary school teachers.



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