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Development of an essential medicine supply competency framework for primary healthcare personnel: Participatory Action Research

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Background: Many maternal and child health related deaths in Pacific Island Countries (PICs) may be prevented with readily available medicines provided by suitably trained health personnel. A systematic approach to improving essential medicines supply management competency has begun in the region with the need to develop a competency framework for primary healthcare personnel in the Pacific Islands identified as a priority. The aim of this research is to determine the competencies required by primary healthcare personnel involved in essential medicine supply at the primary healthcare level within PICs. Methods: Through a process of participatory action research, academics, Ministry of Health officials and health personnel, worked together to develop and validate a competency framework suitable for the region. Three cycles of participatory action research were conducted: cycle one - a draft competency framework was developed using existing frameworks, validated by workplace observation and survey; cycle two – the draft framework was presented and discussed at nine workshops to validate and finalise the framework; cycle three – the final competency framework was validated using an online survey tool. Results: A suggested competency framework with a high degree of relevance was generated for primary healthcare personnel at the facility level. The framework contains 70 competencies, organised into four clusters, addressing supply, professional practice, public health and patient related competencies specific for the primary healthcare environments of Pacific Island Countries. This four dimensional focus reflects the importance of addressing medication selection, procurement, distribution, use, and management for an effective medicines supply system. Conclusion: Primary healthcare personnel including nurses and nurse aids responsible for essential medicine supply and its supervision are encouraged to use this tool when considering appropriate training and when monitoring staff effectiveness in their local environments. This framework could be used as a basis to develop similar frameworks in other international environments.



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