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Cultural Competency among Expatriate Nurses in Saudi Arabia

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Background: The culture of Saudi Arabia is dominated by the values and virtues of Islam. Its increasing multi-cultural population of health care workers poses a significant challenge in providing individualized and holistic care to their patients. This descriptive study served as a baseline assessment survey to determine the level of competence among expatriate nurses in providing culturally competent nursing care. Methods: The Individual Assessment of Cultural Competence, with approval from the Institution Review Board (IRB), was administered to 584 expatriate nurses of a University Hospital in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Results: The findings of the study showed that majority of the respondents were Indians and Filipinos, with a frequency percentage of 53% and 39%, respectively. They were culturally competent in providing nursing care and there was significant difference in their cultural competency when grouped according to their age, gender, educational status, nationality and length of service. Conclusion: The university hospital, recognizes the importance of cultural competence in the caring profes-sions with the presence of diverse workforce. Hence, professional development programs are continually con-ducted to provide the nursing staff with the needed information primarily about Saudi culture.



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