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The seasonal variation of starch, total sugar and total carbohydrates content have been investigated from leaves, wood and bark of Sesbania grandiflora , Sesbania bispinosa and Sesbania cannabina are the medicinally important plant of Marathwada region. Comparative account of starch content of leaves, wood and bark of Sesbania grandiflora showed higher level (range 6.519 to 7.678 mg/g dry wt.) than Sesbania bispinosa (range 5.985 to 6.703 mg/g dry/wt.) and Sesbania cannabina (range 4.446 to 5.440 mg/g dry wt.). Comparative account of total sugar content of leaves, wood and bark of Sesbania bispinosa showed higher level (range 3.160 to 4.054 mg/g dry wt.) than Sesbania grandiflora (range 1.833 to 2.290 mg/g dry wt.) and Sesbania cannabina (range 2.185 to 3.205 mg/g dry wt.). Comparative account of total carbohydrate content of leaves, wood and bark of Sesbania bispinosa showed higher level (range 9.233 to 10.768 mg/g dry wt.) than Sesbania grandiflora (range 8.352 to 9.944 mg/g dry wt.) and Sesbania cannabina (range 6.881 to 8.645 mg/g dry wt.).



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