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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objectives: To evaluate the anti-inflammatory Tinosporacordifolia in experimentally induced inflammation in albino rats. Methods: The study was conducted on albino rats (150-200 gm) of either sex. Inflammation was induced by non-immunological (acute, sub acute, chronic) and Immunological methods. For each set of experiment, animals were divided in five groups of six animals each. 1st group was given normal saline, 2nd group standard anti inflammatory drug and 3rd, 4&5th group Tinosporacordifolia (T. cordifolia) in doses of 100, 200 &400 mg/kg respectively. In both experiments, inflammation was measured by standard methods. Results: In both Non-immunological (acute, sub acute, chronic) &immunologically induced inflammation T. cordifolia treated groups show significant anti-inflammatory activity in comparison to control group Conclusion: T. cordifolia exhibited significant and promising antiinflammatory activity in all the experimental models covering the different phases of inflammatory response.



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