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Propoxur and methyl parathion are nonsystemic insecticide used for the control of various chewing and sucking insects. Exposure to these pesticides may cause genotoxic effects in nontarget organisms including man. In the present set of investigations, mutagenicity of pesticides propoxur and methyl parathion was studied by applying dominant lethal test (DLT) on mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus taken as an experimental model. For this, larvae were exposed to LC20 dose of pesticide for 24 hours after which they were transferred to chemical free water for further growth. The adult male mosquitoes emerging from treated larval stock were allowed to crossmate with normal virgin females under controlled conditions of mosquito rearing laboratory along with the parallel controls, separately for each pesticide. The eggs obtained from such females were allowed to hatch after which they were examined under suitable magnification. The number of unhatched eggs was taken as the measure for calculating the dominant lethality caused by the pesticides and the data was analyzed statistically by applying Student's t-test. The statistical analysis of the results for propoxur treated groups was 8.68±0.58 as against 3.20±0.69 in the control groups and methyl parathion treated groups gave the value 10.20±3.40 as against 4.23±2.76 in the control groups. The results indicated that these pesticides induced significant (p<0.05) dominant lethality.



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