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Microtubules are the main component of a supportive structure within neurons. One group of scientists have argued that information in the microtubules constitutes the 'soul' or 'consciousnesses. 'Quantum consciousness' refers to the idea that the brain is similar to a quantum computer and that consciousness is related to the state of quantum information in the brains. When the body dies, the microtubules lose their quantum state but retain the quantum information which can never be lost. The soul remains and dissipates in the Universe as quantum information which can be restored into a microtubule when a dying patient is resuscitated. The second group of scientists suggested that quantum systems in the brain decohere quickly and cannot control brain function which contradicts the interpretations that the brain behaves like a quantum computer and that quantum coherence is associated with consciousness in a fundamental way. The purpose of the present paper is to open a more rigorous argument on the basis of the existing theories and information on quantum consciousness caused by transformation of microtubules to soul and to re-look whether the covered area can be more appropriately interpreted by taking help of classical physics or the quantum mechanics.



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Available Online At
Research Article
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2012; Volume 1(6): 315-328
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Available Online At
Research Article
Bhattacharya AB,
2012; Volume 1(6): 315-328
ISSN: 2277-8713
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