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Abstract (2. Language): 
Milk is a complete diet containing all essential nutritional constituents. The present study has been concede to identify the predominant bacteria, fungi and other contaminants in milk obtained from various sources viz Nestle, Good Milk, Olpe'rs Milk, Tarang, Nurppur Chai Mix and local raw milk (Raw Milk 1, Raw Milk 2 and Raw Milk 3) to evaluate the hygienic quality of milk at storage stages, transportation and during milking. The different bacteria and fungi present in milk are governed by upon the germ-free environment. The results from the given study showed that milking, transportation and storage originated contamination of raw milk. Good quality milk could be obtained following certain steps including refrigeration, radiation and pasteurization etc. Milk contamination can be decreased by proper hygienic packaging of milk. So it is greatly suggested to properly pasteurize the milk for drinking.



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