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Investigation Results of Properties of Stripe Coatings in Oil and Gas Pipelines

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The studies have been done on the navy tube lines, land and the metal workforces that are related to the oil and gas industries, shows that in most cases, weld lines and edge of a sharp regions has been influencing on location of corrosion and eroding of effective thickness of coating film. So by initializing of coating separation is from the surface of tube and the other metal workforces, from the location of weld line and the edge of the other regions. Nowadays, experts of corrosion science and coating industries are trying to solve this problem by stripe coating. In this essay physical and mechanical properties of coating and tube surface as adherence on steel, traction strength, permeability, resistance on strike and etc is measured and compared for presence and absence of stripe coating according to valid standards. In addition, it being paid to scrutinize of his kind of coating, usage causes, how to apply and an offer in order to perform it in an oil and gas industries.



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