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Production of Soy-Yoghurt by Fermentation of Soymilk with Lactobacillus Isolated from Nunu

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The production of soy-yoghurt by fermentation of soymilk with lactobacillus isolated from nunu (a Nigerian indigenous fermented cow-milk) was studied. Soymilk was extracted from whole and dehulled soybean seeds and pasteurized. The fermentation was carried out with both the isolate from nunu and yoghurmet (a commercial yoghurt starter culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) as control. The percentage of soymilk inoculated was 70%, 80% and 100% of the broth. Soy-yoghurt samples produced were subsequently subjected to biochemical and microbiological assays. All the Lactobacilli (LAB) isolated from nunu were gram positive, catalase negative, indole negative, oxidase negative, spore straining negative and produced acid from glucose and lactose. The results demonstrated that addition of nunu to soymilk significantly improved the sensory attributes of soy-yoghurt produced from soymilk. The use of isolate from nunu has the added advantage of reducing the cost of yoghurt starter culture, thereby making soy-yoghurt, a good source of much desired good quality protein cheaper in Nigeria.



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