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Calotropis Procera: The Miracle Shrub in the Arabian Peninsula

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Calotropis procera (Ait). Ait. shrubs were collected randomly from Hada Al-Sham village, about 120 km far from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. They habitat in a sandy site located at a latitude of 21° 46’.839N and a longitude of 39° 39’.911E above the sea level by 206 m. Chemical, physical and anatomical characterizations were made for its wood and seed floss. The allocation of each of leaves, seeds and seed floss are 4, 0.56 and 0.28 kg/plant, respectively. The fiber length (Fl) of was about 24, 9.35 and 1.01 mm for seed floss, phloem and wood, respectively. Calotrope wood is characterized by presence of prosenchyma cells of both vessels and fibers in a diffuse porous property. Fiber cells occupy most of the transverse section area. About 8-9 rows of relatively thin walled, less lignified fibers as well as axial parenchyma cells that were found in the transverse section. The vessels have simple transverse perforation plates and diffuse solitary scanty and appear mainly in long chains of radial multiples and in groups of irregular arrangements. The axial parenchyma is scantly scattered and inter-mixed with fibers. The rays are narrow, varying from uniseriate to tetraseriate and varied widely in their length. The presence of both upright and procumbent cells in the rays confirms heterogeneity of these rays. The mean values of radial and tangential diameters of vessel were found to be 124 and 86 μm, respectively. The difference in vessel diameter between both directions may be attributed to the environmental conditions and the nature of plant growth. The vessel density in the wood tissue is 14 vessels per mm. Huge pores arisen from excluding lignin, wax and extractives are appeared in SEM micrographs for the chemically treated seed floss of the calotrope. Chemical constituents were found to be 61.2, 20.3, 9.16, 5.02 and 4.3 % for contents of hemicellulose, lignin, total extractives, ash and wax, respectively. However, the hemicellulose content is lower than that for common known about cotton linters and Ceiba pentandra seed floss. This study reflects the importance of calotrope for sustainability that forces humans and nature to exist in a productive harmony permitting fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.



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