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Employing a New Combination of the Remaining Harmonics of the Current to Detect the High Impedance Fault in Electrical Distribution Networks

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Abstract (2. Language): 
High Impedance Fault (HIF) in the distribution network occurs due to the contact of the conductor of a phase with a high resistance level, such as the earth, or falling a tree branch with high impedance over one of the phases. In this type of fault, the fault current is low and along with spark. The main purpose of detection the HIF is to save the human’s lives exposed to contact with an energized conductor and prevention from fire accident. HIF has always been a problem for the techniques of network protection such as distance relays. As the current resulting from HIF is at the level of load current or less than it, (in the relay of additional current, the low level of current resulting from HIF is less than the adjustments of relay sensitivity). The existing protective relays in the network such as the relays of additional current, fuses and relays of the earth connection in contact with these faults cannot show a proper performance and in fact, they cannot detach them from the capacitor switch, line and load. So far, various methods have been presented to disclose the HIF’s and of course each of them has some disadvantages. In this project, using the harmonic combination of odd and even and presenting a suitable index, efforts have been made to present a new method to identify and detect HIF with a less disadvantages as compared with the previous methods. Simulations made in EMTP Works also confirm this claim.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 2, Issue 17, June 2013 88 Paper ISSN: 2251-8843 ID: 21713-15
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